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David Barillas Chon

The Importance of Teaching Underrepresented Cultures

La importancia de enseñar acerca de las culturas infrarepresentadas

当谈到价值观时,很明显David Barillas Chon博士.D., priorities are about the community. Barillas Chón was recently hired as an assistant 大学奇卡那/o和拉丁美洲研究系教授 of Northern Colorado.

当谈到价值观时,很明显David Barillas Chon博士.D., priorities are about the community. Barillas Chón was recently hired as an assistant 大学奇卡那/o和拉丁美洲研究系教授 of Northern Colorado.   

Barillas Chón was born in Palín, Guatemala, and moved to the U.S. when he was 9 years old. 他带来了丰富的知识、个人经验和深刻的承诺。 社区对其在文学院CLAS项目中的新角色的影响 and Social Sciences — as well as a love of teaching. 

“我本科教育的一部分是训练我进入公立学校的教室,” said Barillas Chón. “Part of my love of teaching is finding fulfillment in interacting with students and being part of their growth as learners.” 

Barillas Chon学习教育学,并参加了该学院的博士后奖学金。 丹佛大学平等问题跨学科研究所 where he focused on Indigenous populations. As a member of the Maya community, he 强调社区内个人的相互联系和广泛影响 impact of personal actions. His perspective is rooted in the understanding that one's 经验不是孤立的,而是影响和影响的更广泛背景的一部分。 shapes the community. 

“We are excited to have Dr. Barillas Chón join our college,” said Jim Doerner, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. “His background and experiences 将对大学成为HSI(西班牙语服务机构)的努力至关重要, as he has previously worked for several HSI campuses in California. David will also 协助制定土著研究、移民政策等领域的新课程 and ethnic studies. He will be a great fit in HSS.” 

“For me, community always comes first,” said Barillas Chón. “As Maya, I understand that if I am here, it is not because of my efforts only. I am here because of all the people who have helped me along my journey. Since we are young, we learn that 我们的行动直接关系到我们社区的未来,我们的未来 home.” 

他开始在加州攻读博士学位,但社区工作更多 appealing at that stage, and he decided to postpone his studies.  

“Central Americans have been in the U.S. for over a century. The population of Central American migrants continues to grow in Colorado and other states. Therefore, teaching 对主修或主修的学生来说,介绍中美洲研究是必不可少的。 在奇卡那/o和拉丁裔研究以及那些有兴趣与拉丁裔社区合作的人.” 

–David Barillas Chón, Ph.D.

Barillas Chon面临的挑战包括无证件,这是一个重要因素 shaped his academic and community-oriented pursuits. He is keenly interested in ensuring 他的学术工作不仅限于大学环境,但 它与更广泛的受众产生了有意义的共鸣,尤其是那些有相似之处的人。 lived experiences. 

他不断努力支持和扩大边缘化社区的声音, 就像当我研究关系之间的移民从瓦哈卡和其他移民 communities from Mexico.  

当Barillas Chon搬到西雅图在华盛顿大学工作时,他决定 to return to his doctoral path. 

“我以前做过所有的社区工作,我的研究兴趣现在是如何 危地马拉和墨西哥移民的土著人民了解自己 as Indigenous peoples. And what it means for them now to be in the U.S. and still 土著人民,他们在危地马拉如何被视为土著[人]以及他们如何被视为土著[人] 在这里受到来自自己国家和其他社区的同样的人的待遇。” said “In other words, how discrimination migrates with them. But here in the U.S. 这是因为我们的制度对他们的歧视更严重。.”   

在此之前,拉丁美洲土著人民协会的新教员通过一个土著组织教授土著教育。 在加拿大伦敦西部大学学习三年,然后决定 to come back to Colorado. At UNC, Barillas Chón will teach Introduction to Central American Studies and Mexican American Politics and Leadership. 

Barillas Chón is excited to bring his research to the classroom. He looks forward 通过帮助学生有更广泛的理解来丰富学生的体验 促进土著文化和加深他们对继续开展政治活动的承诺 争取奇卡那族经济、政治、文化和语言主权的动员 and Latinxs regionally and nationally.  

“Central Americans have been in the U.S. for over a century,” said Barillas Chón. “中美洲移民人口在科罗拉多州和其他地区继续增长 states. Therefore, teaching Introduction to Central American Studies is essential 这门课程的目的是让学生在阅读和写作的同时,更深入地了解写作过程。 in working with Latinx communities.” 

Barillas Chon计划将土著嘉宾演讲者和直接工作的人带来 与土著社区合作,让学生能亲身学习 experiences, ask questions and connect professionally with them.  

帮助学生取得学业上的成功只是Barillas Chon的一小部分 mindset. 对他来说,一切都是相互联系的,帮助学生也有帮助 their communities. The concept of relationality has been an important influence in Barillas Chón's pedagogy. His worldview is that human beings are always in a reciprocal relationship with others and with the world.  

“关系是我作为原住民的一个重要方面,以及如何做到这一点。 I see learning and teaching. So, I include classroom activities where students learn with and from each other,” said Barillas Chón.  

Barillas Chon对发挥作用的深刻承诺超越了学术领域. Drawing 在他的经历中,他参与了社区工作,认识到社区工作的重要性。 bridging theory and practice. In addition, he has collaborated with nonprofits, such 作为社区桥梁,或为儿童,他帮助低收入 children pursue a formal education.   

他对社区参与的热情在他与教师和社会的工作中显而易见。 workers. 通过与教育工作者合作,Barillas Chon努力提高认识 博天堂官方网站最近移民和土著社区的各种经历. Taking 一个协作的方法,他的目标是加强教学实践和促进更多 inclusive educational environment. 

对学术和社区工作的双重关注是Barillas Chon的独特优势。 brings to UNC. He sees these aspects as interconnected, emphasizing the role of academia in creating meaningful change beyond the university walls. His goal is not just to 为学术论述做出贡献,但也见证了切实的改善 lives of the communities he serves. 

“我希望,在未来,我不必反复写同样的问题,” said Barillas Chón. “That 10 years from now, hopefully, Indigenous people are not going to be mistreated anymore.”  

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